Wiltrout Landscaping

Seasonal Tips
Prune back fruit trees, grape vines, trees, and shrubs in the spring before they start growing (unless you did it in the fall, which is an equally good time). Hold off on pruning shrubs that flower early in the season, such as lilacs, until after they have bloomed.

Perennial Care
Cut old dead tops off perennials and, if you covered them with mulch for winter, uncover them as things start to grow.

Spring is the ideal time to plant new landscape plants, although potted plants can be successfully planted anytime. If you wish to dig up and move any small trees or shrubs, do it before they bud out. Likewise, most perennials are best moved or divided in early spring -- the earlier, the better. (Irises and peonies are the exceptions; divide irises immediately after blooming, and peonies in September).

Cold-weather garden vegetable seeds, such as peas and lettuce, can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked. Beans should wait til late May or until the soil is 60 degrees. Tomatoes and other sensitive plants should be started indoors and not be planted outside until temperatures will stay above 50 degrees.

Be cautious about planting any greenhouse-grown flower or vegetable plants, even those deemed cold-hardy, until nightte temps stay consistently above 40 degrees.

Your pond will need to be cleaned out and started up for the season. This can be done anytime after the ice thaws. Fish that have wintered in the pond can be put back in once the pond has been filled and the water dechlorinated (if necessary). Fish kept indoors should wait until May to go back out.
  For more information on how to clean out your pond, see:  
  How to Clean out Your Pond for Spring