Wiltrout Landscaping

General Landscaping Rock Gardens Water Features Paver Patios
Courtyards Outdoor Lighting Raised Beds Retaining Walls
  Rock Gardens  
  A rock garden is a creative and beautiful solution for difficult problem areas in your yard or landscaping. Rock gardens are particularly useful on hillsides that are difficult to mow or in small, hot spaces where most plants struggle to survive; however, you can build a rock garden anywhere! The rocks provide structure and interest, and the spaces between them can be planted with succulents, heat-tolerant perennials, or small shrubs. Any exposed soil surface is mulched or covered with deep gravel to inhibit weeds.  
Confronted with a problem weed bed between a driveway and a sidewalk, we built a simple rock garden to solve the problem.
A street corner that we turned into a rock garden, using
limestone boulders.
Check out this huge hillside rock garden planted with dwarf evergreens!
  Every rock garden is a unique work of art -- no two are alike!  
  Rock gardens can be as small or as large as you like. They are planted with perennials and perhaps a few small shrubs if the garden is big enough. Keep in mind that the main idea with a rock garden is to see the rocks, so consider the mature size of your plants and don't overplant it! We always save the most colorful and unique rock specimens to use as accents.